Noel Post Card
Hello my friends! It is high time to make Christmas cards and today I have this retro card for you with newly released paper.

To start I trimmed a penel of A2 size from one of the paper design from Yuletide 6x6 paper pack. Then I ink blended the edges and corners of the panel using dark brawn ink pad. I torn a little some parts of the paper to make it look like shabby one.

Then I took another paper design from the same paper pack and trimmed some parts with Santa Claus and a little angle. To make worn out look of them I tore of some parts and inkblended the edges. I foam mounted two pieces and adhered them to the panel.

After that I stamped the date in the right corner using Jordan Months/Days of the Year stamps.

Finally I added he word Noel from Yuletide Paper pack. To tell you the truth I am in love with this paper pack! LDRS Creative also have it in 12x12 size.
Thank you very much for your attention!
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