Thank You Card with Delicate Stems Press + Foil Plates

Hello there crafty friends!  Maria here on the blog with you today! I hope everyone's enjoying the summer weather!

I always have a stack of thank you cards in my stash so that if I ever need one, it's all ready to go!  My card today is showcasing my favorites from the Summer Collection by LDRS. If you are interested, here are the products I used today:

Delicate Stems Press + Foil Plates

Arches Thank You Impress-ion Press + Foil Plate

A2 Diagonal Stitched Layered Card Toppers

The Delicate Stems Press + Foil Plates has a matching stencil (product sold separately or you can purchase the set) so you can easily color the image.  However, I did not use the coordinating stencil at this time as I wanted to use my alcohol markers to color the images.  I have been staying indoors quite a lot lately (it's very hot in Florida right now) so coloring images is my favorite thing to do to pass the time.

I hope I've given you some inspiration today!  Thanks for stopping by!


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